I'm sitting in front of my tv watching Dancing with the Stars (this is Lori, by the way, so don't be alarmed) on one of our two channels (thank you, rabbit ears!) and wondering if the ceiling is going to cave in from our thunderfeet upstairs neighbors. John is hanging out with a friend and then off to play some soccer. Since I'm by myself, I figured I'd take some time to update you on what's been going on in our lives.
The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind for us. Three weeks ago we made a quick but fun-filled trip out to Camp War Eagle to spend some time with Jen, Kolby, and the nieces and nephew. We had a blast! It was my first trip out there, and we sure made the most of it. Picture lots of hiking, jumping on the trampoline, eating awesome food, blowing darts on the blowgun, building fires with the kids, and lots and lots of laughter and fun with the family. I love it! It was wonderful but way too short.
This last weekend my parents came up to visit (we love houseguests!) for my mom's early birthday celebration. It consisted of a delicious lemon poppyseed pound cake, a day touring the azalea gardens in Tyler, playing games, and lots of delicious food. It was Mom and Dad's first chance to see our apartment, so that was fun too. Good times had by all!
This week we have a tiny bit of a breather before we hit the ground running again. I don't have any groups this week, but John will be leading worship this weekend at the Bluffs while I spend some time with girlfriends in Dallas. Maybe next weekend we'll be agenda-free!
So there you have it - a quick rundown of our last couple of weeks. Now it's back to the thunderfeet (our ceiling fan is moving...if it crashes to the ground we'll be sure and let you know!) and Dancing with the Stars. We love you guys and hope that you are doing well. Talk to you soon!