Hi friends! It has been a loooong time since we last updated you on our lives (I know, I know...you have been eagerly anticipating this moment, I'm sure). This summer has kept us busy and on our toes, as usual. Rather than boring you with the details of every activity I have composed a list of the highlights. Here it goes:
1. We took a trip to St. Francisville, Louisiana, for our friends' wedding. John played and sang - it was beautiful!
2. A childhood friend of mine (this is Lori) got married in K-town, so we used the excuse to head home, where John and Dad managed to squeeze in a game of golf while Emily, Mom, and I shopped to get me some classroom-appropriate clothes for the fall (apparently schools frown on teachers wearing shorts, keens, and camp t-shirts to work. Go figure).
3. A group of Baby Ruths graduated the program as new ones entered.
4. Jacey came to visit us on the 4th of July. We ate good food, shot fireworks, and did a little shopping on the side.
5. We have been enjoying our small group at our new church. We are watching the Truth Project together, which has been fun and challenging.
6. John is continuing to lead worship at Calvary. He is doing a fabulous job!
7. I have finished all of my classwork leading up to taking the PPR for my teacher certification. I take the test on August 5th. Yay!
8. I will be heading to San Antonio in a week for a week-long conference on teaching AP Environmental Science. I am excited about the opportunity, but not looking forward to a week away from my husband.
9. We have started the process of looking for a house when our contract is up on our apartment in September. We are excited (and a little nervous, too) about the potential of finding our first house!
10. We visited our family in Decatur to celebrate John's parents' birthdays. It was a quick but fun trip. The boys got to watch a Rangers game while the ladies enjoyed a super-girly movie, pizza, and cookie dough. Awesome.
I think that's about it! I realize that the list was more detailed than I actually meant for it to be, but it sure is hard to consolidate a busy summer into a few lines! We hope that your summer is treating you well and we look forward to hearing about what is going on in your lives. We love you!